IJulia Notebook

Whenever possible I like to create the course environment in a Docker container, for the instructor and for the students.

In online courses, I use my machine as IJulia Notebook server.

Ideas are from Andre Ferrari

What is a notebook?

In this case, "notebook" or "notebook documents" denote documents that contain both code and rich text elements, such as figures, links, equations, ... Because of the mix of code and text elements, these documents are the ideal place to bring together an analysis description, and its results, as well as, they can be executed perform the data analysis in real tme.See


Options to use a notebook

You have several option to work with IJulia:

  1. You have installed Julia on your own machine.
  2. You have installed Docker on your own machine and run IJulia from a container with Julia and IJulia installed.
  3. You make use of the IJulia server installed on the machne of your instructor.

The IJulia Notebook is installed on the machine of the instructor, but you can also install IJula on your own notebook. Follow the instruction in the appendix.


Starting IJulia

Ask your instructor for the public ip-address and the token.

The first time you enter the IJulia server, it will ask you one time for the token.

Login to the IJulia server

1Start browser
2http://x.x.x.x:8888Ask instructor for the complete the public ip-address of the IJulia server
3Enter the token in the Password or token field
4Click on the Log in button


Create a new notebook


1Click on work directory
2Click on button NewOpen New menu.
3Select on item Julia.x.x.xCreate a new Julia Notebook.
New Notebook is opened
4Place the cursor in the first celIn this cell you can type your code.
5println("Hello World!")Type your Julia code.
6Shift-EnterActivate the code and create a new cell


Notebook commands

Working with a Notebook is rather intuitive. Here are some commands you will often use.

Shift-EnterExecute code and create a new cell below.
Ctrl-EnterExecute code and stay in the cell
TabCode completion, e.g. printl-Tab => println.
Double TabList with option, e.g. print-Tab displays print, println, and printstyled
\sqrt-tabSpecial characters, in this case .
Esc-ACreate empty cell above the current cell.
Esc-BCreate empty cell below current cell.
Esc-MChange to a markdown cell.
Esc-YChange to code cell.

Click on the keyboard icon to see more options.

