10. The Sub-Module API
The API consists of functions that operate on the domain elements, for example:
- Create an invoice from an order.
- Create a paid invoice from an unpaid invoice.
- Create a journal entry for the general ledger.
A code fragment the API sub-module to creating an unpaid invoice from an order. See AppliAR.jl/src/api/API.jl for the complete code of the API layer.
import ..AppliAR: Domain
using .Domain #1
using Dates
import AppliSales: Order # Order is not exported but is refered to in the next function #2
import AppliGeneralLedger: create_journal_entry #3
export create, conv2entry
create(order::Order, invoice_id::String)::UnpaidInvoice = begin #4
meta = MetaInvoice(order.id, order.training.id)
header_invoice = Header(
invoice_id, order.org.name, order.org.address, order.org.zip, order.org.city, order.org.country, order.order_ref, order.contact_name, order.contact_email)
body_invoice = OpentrainingItem(order.training.name, order.training.date, order.training.price, order.students)
return UnpaidInvoice(invoice_id, meta, header_invoice, body_invoice)
#1 The API layer can only use elements from the inner Domain layer.
#2 Order is defined in the package AppliSales.
#3 We borrow
the function from the AppliGeneralLedger package. The API function conv2entry
uses it to create JournalEntry's for the package. Our module depends on AppliSales and AppliGeneralLedger and must be defined in Project.toml.
#4 The function that returns an UnpaidInvoice
Case Study Part Two - Redefining BodyItem as a Concrete Datatype
In Case Study Part One we decided to keep OpentrainingItem
and create another data type InvoiceItem
struct InvoiceItem <: BodyItem
_descr::Array{String, 1}
# constructors
InvoiceItem(code, qty, descr, unit_price) = new(code, qty, descr, unit_price, 0.21)
InvoiceItem(code, qty, descr, unit_price, vat_perc) = new(code, qty, descr, unit_price, vat_perc)
Advantage of API as Sub-Module.
The statement export create, conv2entry
works for me as an interface.
The Infrastructure layer uses these methods. Of course, I must maintain the current signatures. But I can change the code with no penalties.
And, I can create new methods with the same names but with a different signature, when I have to add other types of invoice items to the body. To differentiate between the different types, I use an extra type parameter.
In the next example it is the type AppliSales.Training
but I can follow the same strategy for AppliSales.Incompany
and AppliSales.Book
when they exist.
create(type::AppliSales.Training, order::Order, invoice_id::String)::UnpaidInvoice = begin
meta = MetaInvoice(order.id, order.training.id)
header_invoice = Header(
invoice_id, order.org.name, order.org.address, order.org.zip, order.org.city, order.org.country, order.order_ref, order.contact_name, order.contact_email)
# compose the description for the invoice
students = "Attendees: " * reduce((x, y) -> x * ", " * y, order.students)
description = [order.training.name, "Date: " * string(Date(order.training.date)), students]
body_invoice = InvoiceItem(
order.training.name, # code
length(order.students), # quantity
description, # descr
order.training.price # unit_price
return UnpaidInvoice(invoice_id, meta, header_invoice, body_invoice)
And, I should not forget to export InvoiceItem
in the Domain module.
export OpentrainingItem, name_training, date, price_per_student, students, vat_perc
export InvoiceItem, code, descr, unit_price, qty, vat_perc
If one were already using my package, I cannot delete OpentrainingItem. Of course, this is not the case but in reality, you have to take it into account.
Exercise 10.1: Change the code according to case study one and two
- Go to a folder, for example
. - Clone AppliAR.jl.
$ git clone https://github.com/rbontekoe/AppliAR.jl.git
- Enter the folder AppliAR.jl and start Atom/Juno.
- Start the Julia REPL.
- Activate the local environment and run the test.
pkg> activate .
pkg> test AppliAR
- Close Atom/Juno.
- Start a development branch. Creating a branch in git give you the possibility to experiment.
$ git branch dev
$ git checkout dev
$ git status
- Start Atom/Juno.
- Make the changes according to Case Study Part One. Export InvoiceItem and functions in
. - Change the data types of the field 'body' in
to the abstract typeBodyItem
. - Add the new create-function to the API according to Advantages of API as Sub-Module.
- Add
to the import statement of AppliSales in API.jl and instantiate AppliSales.
import AppliSales: Order, Training
using AppliSales
- Run the test again.
pkg> activate .
(AppliAR) pkg> test AppliAR